Live Review – Twin Atlantic | O2 Academy, Glasgow

With festival season very much around the corner, what better way to start off than by popping along to Glasgow’s south side to catch a band who’s no stranger to a festival slot. Twin Atlantic return to their hometown for two very special sold out shows in the O2 Academy as they gear up for the release of their new album ‘Meltdown’.

Being the one support band, there was a lengthy gap between doors and them starting but the wait was worth it as local boys Saint Phnx were the ones to get the party started. Brothers Stevie & Alan Jukes are no strangers to the big stage in Glasgow having headlined this very stage in December last year and their stage presence is major and really brings the party into a room. Each song comes with their own backstory but none more special than 2021 single ‘Happy Place’, a song that was dedicated to the icon that is their late dad Bertie – someone who has followed and backed the boys in all ventures through their career, the song brings joy with its upbeat tempo however the emotions behind it give it the special feeling it brings. There was a slight change in lineup as drummer Alan took the lead on vocals while Stevie jumped behind the kit – fully backed by the Glasgow crowd who seemed to have loved every minute of this set. There just seemed to be so much happiness and positive energy spread just from this set alone, it just shows the power of the Jukes duo and what they bring to a live show.

With the vibes at a high, it was time for tonight’s headliners to kick off their two day residency. The energy is already on top level from the get go as they kick off with recent single ‘Get Out’, it’s been some time since we’ve seen Twin in action like this and the reaction of the crowd shows that with such an electric atmosphere. It was the perfect chance to showcase the new material for the first time live and from what we got, it sounds amazing and went down a treat with the fans. Along with the new, we had some classic outings from tracks through the years in a set that felt like a greatest hits playthrough. Fun fact pointed out by frontman Sam McTrusty was the intro to ‘Bang on The Gong’ is done by none other than his mum – words she may or may not have used at him in the past. It’s hard to say.

The first pits of the night came for ‘No Sleep’ whereas the probably two of the biggest singalongs of the night were deafening to ‘Hold On’ & the classic ‘Make a Beast of Myself’. The crowd are still electric and as the set goes on, more bangers are let loose setting everyone into a frenzy every time. Although it wasn’t the live debut, another new single ‘World Class Entertainment’ made its way into the set midway through to an incredible and rightful reception from the fans. Sam and co are as happy as can be on stage back again doing what they do best and as the crowed are on peak form, it was time to slow things down and give the band a break, well everyone bar Sam as least. The acoustic is out for a beautiful rendition of ‘Oceans’ where it’s dedicated to his sister who has the lyrics tattooed on her and is also watching from the balcony above. ‘Crash Land’ follows and the atmosphere for this was something special you just had to take a look around the venue to take it all in & appreciate for what it was, a truly heart warming moment see the full place come together for such a beautifully performed song.

We approach the end of what’s been a special evening with the Glaswegians but before we get to that big finale of you know what, a song that means a great deal personally to so many, ‘Brothers & Sisters’ brings out yet more unison in the venue with a big singalong before the rousing close of ‘Heart & Soul’, a song that can take the roof off any venue when played live. The band receive a well earned standing ovation from around the whole building from the floor to the seating area showing just how loved and cherished they still are.

Words by Craig McInnes

Photos by Catching Light Photography

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